'Black Hole' on Earth?
Fox News - 15 Apr 2011Holbox Island and the Yalahau Lagoon on the northeast corner of Mexicos Yucatan Peninsula are featured in this image, acquired by the Korea Multi-purpose ...Is There a 'Black Hole' on Earth?
NewsTabulous - Kimberly Edwards - 6 days agoThere is a cape right at the eastern tip of Holbox Island, Caboe Catoche, ... Marvelously Holbox Island, as well as the surrounding waters are, in fact, ...Earth's Own Big Black Hole - Gather.com
all 2 news articles »Satellite Photographs 'Black Hole' on Earth
Our Amazing Planet - 14 Apr 2011Holbox Island is a 26-mile-long (42-kilometers) strip of land separated from ... Holbox Island is situated at an oceanic meeting point of sorts where the ...Here's Looking @ Eartth... Lagoon Longings (Imagery—ESA + KARI)
SatNews Publishers - 28 Mar 2011[SatNews] Holbox Island and the Yalahau Lagoon on the northeast corner of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula are featured in this satellite image. ...Space Pictures This Week: Aurora Orb, Galaxy Dance
National Geographic - 31 Mar 2011Jewel-like colors drench Holbox Island and the Yalahau Lagoon in a recently released false-color satellite picture of the northeast corner of Mexico's ...Satelit Korea Berhasil Memotret Lubang Hitam di Planet Bumi
Tribunnews - 15 Apr 2011Pulau Holbox Island memiliki panjang 42 kilometer yang dipisakan oleh laguna dari pulau utama. "Air segar yang selalu mengelilingi laguna memiliki lubang ...Satellitenbild zeigt Holbox Island und das "Schwarze Loch" der Maya
ShortNews.de - 28 Mar 2011Es zeigt Holbox Island, eine langgestreckte Insel vor der nordwestlichen Küste der mexikanischen Halbinsel Yucatan und das so genannte "Schwarze Loch" der ...
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